"IF" Bets and Reverses

I mentioned the other day, that when your book offers "if/reverses," you can enjoy those rather than parlays. A number of may very well not understand how to bet an "if/reverse." The full explanation and comparison of "if" bets, "if/reverses," and parlays follows, along with the situations where each is best แทงบอลออนไลน์..

An "if" bet is what it really sounds like. You bet Team A and IF it wins then you definitely place an equal amount on Team B. A parlay with two games going off at different times is a type of "if" bet in that you bet on the very first team, and when it wins you bet double on the second team. With a genuine "if" bet, rather than betting double on the second team, you bet an equal amount on the second team.

You are able to avoid two calls to the bookmaker and lock in today's line on a later game by telling your bookmaker you intend to make an "if" bet. "If" bets can also be made on two games kicking off at exactly the same time. The bookmaker will wait before the first game is over. If the very first game wins, he will put an equal amount on the second game although it has already been played.

Although an "if" bet is really two straight bets at normal vig, you cannot decide later that you will no longer want the second bet. When you make an "if" bet, the second bet can't be cancelled, even though the second game has not gone off yet. If the very first game wins, you may have action on the second game. For that reason, there is less control over an "if" bet than over two straight bets. When the two games you bet overlap over time, however, the only method to bet one only if another wins is by placing an "if" bet. Of course, when two games overlap over time, cancellation of the second game bet is not an issue. It ought to be noted, that when the two games start at different times, most books won't enable you to complete the second game later. You should designate both teams when you make the bet.

You can make an "if" bet by saying to the bookmaker, "I do want to make an 'if' bet," and then, "Give me Team A IF Team B for $100." Giving your bookmaker that instruction would be the just like betting $110 to win $100 on Team A, and then, only if Team A wins, betting another $110 to win $100 on Team B.

If the very first team in the "if" bet loses, there is no bet on the second team. Regardless of whether the second team wins of loses, your total loss on the "if" bet could be $110 when you lose on the very first team. If the very first team wins, however, you would have a bet of $110 to win $100 going on the second team. In that case, if the second team loses, your total loss could be just the $10 of vig on the split of the two teams. If both games win, you would win $100 on Team A and $100 on Team B, for a total win of $200. Thus, the utmost loss on an "if" could be $110, and the utmost win could be $200. This really is balanced by the disadvantage of losing the entire $110, rather than just $10 of vig, each time the teams split with the very first team in the bet losing.

As you will see, it matters a whole lot which game you place first in an "if" bet. If you place the loser first in a divided, then you definitely lose your full bet. In the event that you split however the loser is the second team in the bet, then you definitely only lose the vig.

Bettors soon learned that how you can avoid the uncertainty brought on by the order of wins and loses is to produce two "if" bets putting each team first. Rather than betting $110 on " Team A if Team B," you would bet just $55 on " Team A if Team B." and then make a second "if" bet reversing the order of the teams for another $55. The next bet would put Team B first and Team A second. This type of double bet, reversing the order of exactly the same two teams, is known as an "if/reverse" or sometimes only a "reverse."

A "reverse" is two separate "if" bets:

Team A if Team B for $55 to win $50; and

Team B if Team A for $55 to win $50.

You don't need to state both bets. You merely tell the clerk you intend to bet a "reverse," the two teams, and the amount.

If both teams win, the effect would be the same as you played a single "if" bet for $100. You win $50 on Team A in the very first "if bet, and then $50 on Team B, for a total win of $100. In the second "if" bet, you win $50 on Team B, and then $50 on Team A, for a total win of $100. Both "if" bets together cause a total win of $200 when both teams win.

If both teams lose, the effect would also be just like if you played a single "if" bet for $100. Team A's loss would set you back $55 in the very first "if" combination, and nothing would go onto Team B. In the second combination, Team B's loss would set you back $55 and nothing would go onto to Team A. You'd lose $55 on all the bets for a total maximum loss of $110 whenever both teams lose.

The difference occurs when the teams split. Rather than losing $110 when the very first team loses and the second wins, and $10 when the very first team wins but the second loses, in the reverse you'll lose $60 on a divided no matter which team wins and which loses. It computes this way. If Team A loses you'll lose $55 on the very first combination, and have nothing going on the winning Team B. In the second combination, you'll win $50 on Team B, and have action on Team A for a $55 loss, causing a net loss on the second combination of $5 vig. The increased loss of $55 on the very first "if" bet and $5 on the second "if" bet gives you a combined loss of $60 on the "reverse." When Team B loses, you'll lose the $5 vig on the very first combination and the $55 on the second combination for exactly the same $60 on the split..

We have accomplished this smaller loss of $60 rather than $110 when the very first team loses without any decline in the win when both teams win. In both single $110 "if" bet and the two reversed "if" bets for $55, the win is $200 when both teams cover the spread. The bookmakers could not put themselves at that kind of disadvantage, however. The gain of $50 whenever Team A loses is fully offset by the additional $50 loss ($60 rather than $10) whenever Team B may be the loser. Thus, the "reverse" doesn't actually save us anything, nonetheless it has the benefit of making the risk more predictable, and preventing the worry regarding which team to put first in the "if" bet.

(What follows is an advanced discussion of betting technique. If charts and explanations provide you with a headache, skip them and simply take note of the rules. I'll summarize the principles in a straightforward to copy list in my own next article.)

Just like parlays, the overall rule regarding "if" bets is:

DON'T, if you can win more than 52.5% or even more of your games. If you fail to consistently achieve a profitable percentage, however, making "if" bets when you bet two teams will save you money.